Which turtle is the rarest turtle in the world?
Correct answer: Yangtze giant softshell turtle

Player #33370683
its a shame and I bet that the reason its so rare is because of poaching and the black market

Player #41081547
FAYSAL., Some people have no respect for other living beings. It is a very sad fact.

A wild female was discovered in Vietnam on October 22, 2020. So it's a ray of hope.

Rainbow Butterfly
Terrible river. Wish they could remove every living creature from it.

baijke Yangtze river dolphins Chinese giant salamander Yangtze river crocodile this river is horrible habitat for this amazing creatures

Arohanui, the dolphin, too, I think. 😕

Ray Mission
Rainbow Butterfly, "man-unkind" will surely take care of that...

Player #33370683, Of course those poor animals are Chinese people's delicacy. Not a good place to be born.

Player #51556157
well, if it lives in China they have eaten them all - they eat anything and everything.

Player #33370683, that river is polluted. with industrial chemicals , human waste , and just too many people on earth . Again. mother earth will shake us off soon enough.

Player #33370683, I suspect the Chinese ate them: they seem to have very wide-ranging tastes.

Player #33370683, I’m afraid so just like they are doing with the elephants tusks🥵

That thing is really weird looking 👀

Dreams, last known female died April 23,?

Player #33370683, I was wondering the same thing

Player #120374466, i love turtles, they are delicious

Player #120374466
Bru, I try not to buy items from China especially food products. They use slave labor to produce some products

Player #120374466
Oriana, I agree. It's the ruling class that makes the policies without the common peoples input. They also say one thing about caring about the ecology, but still do nothing stop bad manufacturing practices that pollute the water and air.

Player #120374466
Player #51556157, That was my guess. Turtle soup has been a popular dish for for centuries. It's considered a delicacy by some cultures.

Guessed right, I’d never heard of it! Logic stated that it was because they are rare. Don’t think Spock would go along with that.

Player #33370683, right 😥

Last known female died April '23?

I, too, am searching for my wild female!

never heard of this in my entire life 😕

China = No pollution control! They are soo eager to sell cheap that they do not waste money in controlling pollutants of any kind! Chinese mentality is a disgrace to planet earth!

Why have they got such complicated names

Player #51556157, agreed! I dont know who is downvoting comments about certain Chinese people who are disillusioned into believing that torturing animals in the worst horrible nightmarish ways is not only a delicacy but also great medicinally. On top of that the human trafficking trade there as well as the 1 baby policy that has led many children, mostly girls or disabled children to die the worst types of deaths in kill orphanages. China has some truly soulless people( AGAIN NOT ALL Chinese people, just some).

Player #97184361
Player #41081547, All creatures is not for consumption even if we have dominion over them.!

It's a very bad habitual area

I av never seen dis be4

if it lives it's edible..misfortune of location.?

they should have preserved the gametes when they had the chance.


are these turtles dangerous or nice

Dieu linh
Qua la hong tam

I don't know what am I seeing in the picture it looks like a mole with a very oddly looking fin ✨🤨