What unites such countries as Montenegro, North Korea, Iceland, and Yemen?
Correct answer: There are no McDonald's restaurants in these countries

people in these countries are probably healthier.

Player #59334546
From June 2022, you can add Russia to this list.

Player #25874027
tunegrabber, look at North Korea and Yemen and rethink your comment

Player Say what!?
I have a McDonald's one mile away and a Burger King a mile away in each direction. I go to each very seldom. For those calling for bans or blame fast food for unhealthy people, IT'S THEIR CHOICE! I most certainly never want to live in a country that would take away a fast-food joint simply because THEY don't like it. We are losing our freedoms enough as it is!

tunegrabber, I imagine the starving citizens of North Korea couldn't care less about the health value of a Happy Meal, as long as they got to eat it.

Mars V
“Unites” them?!

Uninitialized, You're wrong, there isn't.

tunegrabber, so true

Player #125843019
That is good thing I wish they were not in mine

tunegrabber, the only thing I find is our people have become lazy and would rather live in trash, than put the empty bags and wrappers in a garbage can.

Player #118439936
Now no longer in Russia.

Gotta have a Maccies every once in a while

Player #11908830
Like it or not, and despite the health level of the food, McDonalds' distribution system has done more to feed the world's starving than any other organization.

Nate Sanders
tunegrabber, North Korea is starving and so are many in Yemen, so not, definitely not healthier

Player #114308867
I have eaten at McDonald's in Iceland, have they since been ousted?

I didn't know that before

Player #59334546, it’s probably included in the 90?

Montenegro has McDonald’s, this is not true.

We only have crapdonalds as a last choice. Thankfully that never happens.

tunegrabber, yep, you're probably right!