How many strings are on a standard violin?
Correct answer: Four

Montana Lady
Instead of telling people who've seen the same questions as you have & also know they are misspelled, but have no more power over this game than you do...
Perhaps your time might be better spent going back to the main menu & reporting the errors to the people who could actually fix them???
(No judgment intended, only a suggestion.)

The violin speaks, and says, "This is music. C l o s e your eyes and l i s t e n with your heart."

I was offered a violin for a very reasonable price recently. "What's the catch?", I asked the seller. "There is no catch, no strings attached", was the reply!

Missy K
I played violin in my adolescence, I can't believe I chose the wrong answer... ADD moment, I want a Mulligan

The girl on the picture is from Macedonia, her name is Kamelija

Player #12165416
Montana Lady, this is a game. something to relax with yet learn and be challenged while doing so. Settle down and find another game to critique and pick apart.

Montana Lady, Chill out it's only a game. However, I still feel that the people who are consulting Google for the answers are FUBAR.

Player #19422400
photo is a bit of a giveaway really.

bbluesee, why does she look like she has 2 right hands?

I got this one right but I hit the wrong answer by accident.

Player #24622884
I have played violin it is really hard

Just had to remember how many were on my wife's violin.

Player #43105506
Amazing this instrument

Player Gigi #28446253
Shellback, how do they have time to go to Google

Player #12165416, we get clues too

Player #25874027
Canon, not on my question -January 2021. Somebody somewhere must be listening

my daughter has a five-stringed violin, the fifth string being a lower note than the standard four. I like a lower C

Player #20136064
Canon, not on mine

Player #22511868
Canon, how would you spell it?

Didn’t know this, but the picture is a bit of a giveaway...

* Seshati *
Timoteo, probably writing it on a phone like I am when I answer lol the phones always blooming giving me typos prior to commenting & I don’t see em until I post my comments lol grrr it’s might annoying.

* Seshati *
Montana Lady, a great suggestion it is too.

Alina, that doesn't always work!!!

Player #3833664
@NimbleAmbassador2487, Gosh Your eyes are sharp to count 4strings from the image

ImitationBatman, Yes, it means something common but slightly more artistic than most. Not.

Diver Dan, Hot Tuna!

I love to hear the 🎻-david Garrett makes the most beautiful music-his violin sings!!!!

They need to proofread prior to publication.

I think you mean standard

standard is misspelled