How can you make a seed germinator?

Correct answer: All options are correct

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What people think about it: 11 Comments
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
I remember my mother tells me she bought some seeds and just scattered them on her garden. A neighbour told her she was wasting her time. He always won the gardening competition in their area. They all came up!!!
:(Nancy E):, Back in the days, milk was delivered to your doorstep in glass bottles..gone are the good old days.
little b
little b
I'm not good at plannting seeds
Always the correct answer is: " All options are correct". Bad question and very bad answers.
It’s The Dragon
It’s The Dragon
I guessed right and I don’t even know what the heck that is XD
Player #27756566, That is called a milk churn.
counter offer
counter offer
I remember my thinking about that but I want it now
Aila Marie 🇵🇭
Aila Marie 🇵🇭
All of the above iz a mood 🤪
Megz B
Megz B
boring science lessons do help then 😂
Player #28123668
Player #28123668
I want to grow mutant plant's
:(Nancy E):
:(Nancy E):
What is a milk can? We have milk in plastic containers, some in cardboard boxes. Never heard of a milk can.