People with what hair color are less susceptible to pain medications?
Correct answer: Redheads

Player Lady Nana
I am a redhead and I am cold most of the time. We also can hemorrhage easier after surgery. It is true that I do stay out of the sun.. maybe that is true!

Player #6852065
I've found them to be more passionate.

At 74 years old, my red hair is long gone. But the genes are still in there. And I can say that most of these traits apply to me. But I get into the Sun even here in the tropics. So I am relatively healthy.

Titus ik bryan
I have never physically seen a redhead, Here in Uganda, I see blondes, Brunettes, etc but never a redhead in my 30yrs.

Sadly, my lovely auburn tresses are now grayish brown. Because I stay out of the sun, at 71 I have few wrinkles. Hate winters in the Midwest because of the extreme cold. Not sure about the pain factor.

i am a redhead and like the cold better than the heat..also suffer from endometriosis

I'm a redhead, and I don't have an issue with toothaches or fear of a dentist, and I have a high pain tolerance.

Also we need more anesthesia.

I was a red head, chestnut to be specific, until I lost the pigment in my hair, a genetic mutation thanks to my father, and my hair was silver from the age of 30. Very sensitive to cold, not fond of the sun or cold. As for passion, never had complaints and my hubby told me a few days before he passed that I had made him happy in every way.

Never heard of this...amazing facts. have 2 close friends from childhood that are beautiful redheads!

my daughter Roisin is a 🍓 blonde

Why is nobody screaming racism when studies are done on white people? Anyone trying this kind of study on any other race would be condemned.

I was born with Auburn hair thanks to my dad, whose nickname while growing up was "Red." I agree with everything, I despise the cold, hate winter, but I love the sunshine and lived out in it growing up and still today. I'm covered with freckles and have never been embarrassed by them. Someone once told me that they were kisses from God.🌴🌺🐚🦀🦐🦞🐬🏖🏝❤

Player #120374466
Jo, None. Brunette sounds more classy

I come from a long line of redheads. My ancestors migrated from Northern Italy, and on my father's side alone, there are 46 redheads. Sadly, my 4 children were all blonde.

My partner has auburn hair. He avoids the sun hates dentist and can sometimes be hot tempered.

Curmudgeon, awww LOVE this and your comment ♥️ Red hair is Amazing

Was a redhead baby and a “strawberry blonde” most of my life and I agree 100% with all these traits. I will add that pain meds react differently with me. Codeine for example doesn’t work with me at all. Makes me hyper.

Red England
I actually have it noted on my medical records that l need extra anaesthetic to knock me out n that l come round very quickly-didn’t realise until now that it is probably down to being a redhead!

Red England
Redheads are the rarest hair colour in the world with only 1%

Red England
I’m a very fair skinned redhead & all those traits apply to me - u didn’t mention hat redheads have one less clotting agent than all others hence why we bleed more easily n for longer! I was told this when in hospital. I have a high pain threshold but do suffer in both hot n cold weather. A lot of Drs would do well to take one of these facts as a lot/most don’t realise unfortunately. Did u know that the redhead gene is supposed to miss a generation (usually that is) although it did with me - came through to me n 2 of my 3 siblings, but passed directly to 2 of my 3 children!

Cookie Bean, what is it called?

Mrs J
Player Lady Nana, I think I might be a red head disguised as a brunette.

Apparently 13% of Scots are red heads,or carry the gene.I was until 2 or 3,and my missus is,although it's went more auburn through the years.I know Ireland have a high % too.Don't know why the games more prevalent here?Weather or diet?

ok so i must be a very rare redhead then because none of these are true for me. I lived in British Columbia until 5 years ago and the temps were always colder mountainlife, i never have tooth pain and I see the dentist regularly and don't mind going there. not too many surgeries for me so not really sure about the anesthesia. i travel a lot and it's always hot and sunny locations where i am out in the sun all day long and i love it.

what's the difference between "brown-haired people" and " brunettes"?

My mom was a redhead, which gave me auburn hair. In the winter, my hair would be a light brunette, while in the summer, the red would come out. I even have some of the traits of a redhead, including ALOT of freckles when I was younger!

Titus ik bryan, go to Ireland.

Titus ik bryan, 5 of my 9 children are red heads. one also has green eyes.

Anthony Tipton
toe jam, I know from personal experience that red-heads are extremely passionate which is a positive trait in my humble opinion!

toe jam
maybe it's an old wives tale that most redheads are hot tempered.

Player Lady Nana, I have 2 redhead friends who are both fair complexion and freckle easily so they do stay out of the sun. Less melanin?