Which fact about hummingbirds is true?
Correct answer: Unable to walk on the ground

Yknip 7
Love the hummingbirds in my backyard!

I love hummingbirds

Player Ejag
We get them every year when they migrate south—they leave again in April. Lovely creatures!

Wow! Love these bird facts!

Denveroni The Nice V
I wish I could (or knew how to) add a picture. We have gloriously beautiful hummingbirds year ‘round. I love living in nature!

Carol, it's not the cold which keeps them from Europe, there are hummingbirds which live close to the snow line around 4000-5000 meters near the equator, they just don't cross the Atlantic.

Yknip 7, I did not know that they couldnt walk on ground

They are not always fluttering those wings. I have two that love to take a break on a Casia bush. Adorable!

Denveroni The Nice V, Me too! In Arizona, I have them constantly at my feeder all year, love them! :)

Be wise
Olly, l’m a bird and cat lover. So I put a collar with bells on my cat. Now I don’t have to worry about my cat catching birds and eating them.

Beautiful birds

Wiwit, ditto my favorite bird in the world

Yknip 7, I observed a Sparrow flying backwards to pick bugs off a vine along a roof line.

This is incorrect. Hummingbirds can walk, they just prefer not to. But, you can watch videos of hummingbirds walking on YouTube.

sillybee, Mighty far for a small to minuscle bird to fly :-)
Birds like the house sparrow and starlings came to the Americas from Europe, same as humans, after all, and didn't fly :-)

TwoTin16, Beautiful big birds as well. I'd love to see a flock of cockatiels

Player #96078593
I adore them.💞

Wiwit, Their colours are stunning!

Yknip 7 - Just imagine having hummingbirds in your back garden!! Here, in Northern England, living near the sea, we get sparrows, the odd blackbird (they nest in our ivy in the Spring & unfailingly every year their fledglings are seen off by next door's cat!). If we're lucky we get a robin occasionally! Also, we get some starlings. A marked absence of colour!

Wish they were here in the UK but the average temperature is too cold for them.

indian boy
this is not true about humming bird .I have seen an humming bird walking in ground

Angelina 💕
I love hummingbirds I see too much every morning 😅

Player #2512936
Knodel58, The author must mean lose feathers. Shed is usually associated with fur.