In Singapore, people get fined $500 for a cigarette end thrown in the street. Is it true?
Correct answer: It is true for everyone

Love it!! It should be like that here in the US and everywhere else.

If I'm not mistaken, you're not even allowed to chew gum. Long ago it created such a mess on the sidewalks that they simply enacted a total ban.

Player Say what!?
I remember PSA's in the 70's of a Native American watching as someone in a passing car throws trash out the window. He then looks into the camera with a tear in his eye. That was when we ALL cared more.

Littering is one of my biggest pet peeves!

I hope it gets implemented in all countries.

CcMYoPiK #21957451
Nowhere is 100%litter free n yes we rather not donate as fines so clean n green we stay

Great idea! We should implement that fine here in America!

micron9999, I wouldn't mind people chewing gum if they wouldn't spit it on the floor, but they do. It should be banned in public places everywhere because people don't behave.

Tara Tippy.
Good 👍🏼

little b
I've not been to Singapore

You can still chew gum but only in small quantities. It is illegal to sell, distribute and everything on chewing gum but chewing. This also includes proper disposing of the chewing gum if you planned to do chew gum

They should totally start that here in the US.

That's why that country is always clean and has been one of the cleanest countries to live in.

micron9999, yes you are correct.

Player #5100533
It seems like I remember that the authorities in Singapore, actually "Caned" a teenager for keying someone's car. 5 swats with a Bamboo rod, will make him think twice before he does that again.

No chewing gum allowed either

malaysia could never