Which symptoms appear first, indicating the development of diabetes in a person?

Correct answer: Increased thirst and frequent urination

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What people think about it: 19 Comments
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
We call these first symptoms of diabetes the 3 polys: polyuria (increased urination), polydipsia (increased thrist) and polyphagia (increased hunger).
Player #15718736
Player #15718736
Many people don't realize that carbohydrates are as bad as sugar for diabetes.
Player #96919
Player #96919
Too many of the world's population seem to be developing this disease.
It runs in my family: my father was a brittle diabetic, my mother got it in her 80s, and my maternal grandfather had it and needed a foot amputated. I was diagnosed in 2018 and my brother in 2019.
Player  Mrs. McClung
Player Mrs. McClung
Shaddy1997, I feel very bad for you. My cousin is a brittle dabetic . She has an insulin pump and should be very careful. It is sprinkled through my father's side of the family. My husband and his sister should be more careful than they are. My father - in -law, his brother and his mother (my husband's grandmother) are very bad diabetics. The buck stops here. We have no children. I was a lab tech before I retired so a saw blood sugars every which way. Best of luck to you and be very careful.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player #15718736, That’s because sugars are carbohydrates. A Carbohydrate is a substance consisting of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. These 3 chemicals are also the base of sugar
little b
little b
i dont have increased thrist and unirnation
cat lover
cat lover
Shaddy1997, I have been diabetic for 12 years now my grandmother had it as well
Tina M.
Tina M.
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, you need to read how carbohydrates turn into sugar.
Player #96919, that's be ause of wealthy standards of. living
Player #25874027, Far too many people do not know or understand this!
PeekingOgre7503, so true!
PeekingOgre7503, Thanks. I retired from one of the largest pharma companies that produces insulin. I have been told I am an exceptional complaint diabetic.
I am diabetic and take 6 shots daily to control-ran in family. Horribly sad that it has been increasing in more recent years.
Donna, Good luck to you. I've been Type 1 since 13 and after 40 years of injecting insulin, I've learned everything in moderation is the key.
I am diabetic & my only symptom was rapid weight loss. Thankfully my employer did annual physicals and found it. I take 6 insulin shots daily.
Player #18659541
Player #18659541
im type one insulin
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
Player #96919, Too much Junk food in The world.
Player #29851421
Player #29851421
I really don't know