What can be the cause of ringing in the ears?
Correct answer: All options are correct

I have it. It's irritating 😔

Player #3508501
I was free of tinnitus for 6 years & then it came back with a vengeance. Sometimes it is so bad , I just sleep all day. It is hard to read lips now when everyone wears a mask.

Player #96919
Natedog, My husband also has it. He believes that he got it through working in a very noisy factory for many years

Player #18320935
Natedog, I have it too.I have Menieres syndrome and have had tinnitus for over 30 years.

I'm with you all, I have it for few years now and I have learned to live with it. Sometimes the ringing is so loud but I refuse to pick up!!😀😂

Player #6787170
I’ve had it starting in my 30’s and I just turned 65 and it’s gotten so bad now that I sometimes feel to only escape is death, very sad and no cures for it. The young people of today will have it from listening to that LOUS bass in their cars.

Some medications can also add to the problem.

Player S M
Now and then I also hear the ringing. I just Ignore it.

I have had it since I was a young child. I believe mine was caused by ear infections. I so wish there could be a cure.

Player #9442102
Player #96919, my Dad suffered from this. The doctor thought he might have developed this from hunting using a shot gun.

Giggle pig
Player #96919, did he wear earplugs, too? I’m convinced that wearing earplugs contributes a great deal towards having tinnitus.

Player #25744833Milo
Milo, I have tinnitus also. What works for me are my hearing aids. Try them.

ChanGirl01967, I have used this product TRP relief from ringing in my ears.And worked it took the ringing away.

Sometimes it can also be caused by taking too much aspirin or ibpropen.. stop taking it & it goes away..

Tina, Puppies can solve so many problems. Having a dog in your life is a true blessing ❤️

Natedog, my son suffers with this a lot!

Player rons774, I also have this condition. my in pulsing. so annoying. taking a anti-depressants. helps a little. hope they find a cure soon

I had it for a while after a breakup .. think it was due to stress and teeth clenching at night...got better after I brought home a puppy.

R+T#1/2 o+b#45/46
USMC 81 mortars 50+ years.

I dont have it🙂

pls get it checked...im now recovering from a stroke and never knew it could be related

miadoe 4 chesterbe
I think meds caused the start of mine

When there is (all option) option then it's the answer.

Player #32567393
Player #18320935,
Cozzy 25,
I have it too. Very annoying. 😎

I have it occasionally , but not to bad now. When it starts say to yourself “I can not hear you, you do not bother me “ and it eventually gets less and less

Renaissance Man
I've had it since the seventies. Unfortunate side effect of taking in rock concerts every weekend. Very annoying but wouldn't have missed those concerts for anything!

Player #31981373
I have it.when I was 14 until the present time
buy I'm trying continued school☺️☺️🤧

my sister also has it

Player rons774
I have a jet engine in each ear. I found out that ibprophin cause it. I was taking 800 mgs in the morning for arthritis.

my brother had a lot when he was a kid

Yup. Same here. from concerts to cranking music for years. The only way to override it is to crank music, have TV on and/or a fan constantly whirring.

Player #28891717
Player #18320935, same here

Player #35764879
I have it too I know I have an ears infection due too much cleaning of my ears...

Player #28575698
I'm used to press“all options are correct”.hahaha

Player #23832608
worked outside at airport for twelve years also grew up in the late 60's early 70's lots of loud music, have no idea what silence sounds like

I realized I suffered from this after I sent our television back to the store for service

i also have it, its very irritating while trying to sleep.

Player #30812219, I was once prescribed a type of steroids for it and it helped a lot .I work at a preschool and it was so hard to focus on what the children were saying. everything sounded like a was underwater

Player #3508501,
please tell me any remedy of it. ? 😭

I had ear infection so many times it hurts a lot