When do Catholics celebrate Christmas?
Correct answer: December 25

Player #14782264, I had once read that since there were new lambs in the fields when Christ was born, it would have been spring, closer to the time when we now celebrate Easter.

Player #14782264, the Pagans celebrated on the 25th and Christianity had to put a stop to it by replacing it with a Christian holiday.

However it started, it is beyond commercialized. Sad.

Player #27643412
[bobbo16], it's modelled on the pagan holidays as the church during the middle ages, couldn't get the populous to comply with the Christian holidays so they had to rearrange the holiday dates...

Beshoy 🙃
Here in Egypt, we celebrate Christmas on January 7th by the Coptic calender..

Player #10639782
December 25 was not when jesus was born. jesus was born around Sept-Oct. the bible doesn't give a specific date. dec 25 is actually a pagan Roman holiday named Saturnalia where people got drunk

Blesson T
The date doesn't matter, what matters is a savior was born to give us eternal life. If you are wondering how...search for it!

catdaddy7015, it was Die Natalis Solis Invectus: the birth of the unconquerable sun. As you say, it was co-opted by the Church so as to ease the populace from the Pagan holidays into the new ones. We celebrate on Yule, though. 😉

* Seshati *
catdaddy7015, thank u the truth must bet known more, it has been described to me as the time of pagan solstice celebration. With the way the world is, I think we would do better to practice the way of the word regardless of whether it be Gods word, or another faiths word. To be a person of virtue on a daily basis rather than squabbling over whose region reigns supreme.

Catholicism is not a religion. It is a denomination of the Christian religion.

Religion is man reaching up to God, Christianity is God reaching down to man. it's about a relationship.

In some Latin American countries Christmas Day is a Holy day to attend church and pray. The exchange of presents is doe on January6th which was the day the Wise Kings brought presents for Jesus. Usually at least when I was child the gifts were only for children, at least in my family

saptarshi dey🙂, and a merry Xmas to you.

I'm hindu(sanatani) so I didn't celebrate Christmas but in my school time my teachers and we celebrate it .It is a good and joyful festival but l'm sorry I'd not celebrate it I love my religion's festival like Diwali

by mistake

Warrior cats fan😸🇨🇦
Player #10639782, just so you know it says when we celebrate not when he was born

Jesus was a profit! 😉

very easy question even a small baby can tell you the answer

Bro everyone celebrates Christmas on December 25th

I was gonna say.. it's the same time Christians do

Ateeq ur rehman
the god of christians is Jesus but they do sujjod to hazrat eessa

Såûmyã Sîñgh
But I am santani so i am not celebrating this festival

That was the date of Christmas 🎄

no I'm Muslim 😔sorry


as a Catholic I feel proud that this question was asked LOVE YA JESUS

brickmartian, it not god son

Player #45269065, it's not god son

samisha, how you are òoooo

Player #27643412, Christmas has been celebrated all the way back to early Christianity. Middle Ages is when the Reformation broke splinter faiths off by men who thought they could do a better job at organizing a better faith than the one founded by Jesus Christ.

My brother's b.day is in 26 December and also there is a international day

I cheated using google assistant.

I'm cristian

My birthday is on Christmas 🎂

I knew this because i am catholic religion.

nice edits

it's the correct answer

I'm from georgian and Cristhmas is 7 January in the georgian

I will not celebrate Christmas if it's not the pagan holiday of Santa Claus but of Jesus Christ's b i r t h

Player #126853076
Another Christmas question!?