The Korean dish san-nakji consists of which of these?
Correct answer: Raw baby octopus

Player #96919
Player #21173880, Sounds disgusting, yuk

Player Say what!?
Easy to pick the right answer just because Asians love to eat live animals and other despicable "foods".

Player #42394680
Concorde SST, In China they catch sharks cut off their fins and throw them back in the ocean to drown .So they can make shark fin soup .
Is' nt that horrible .

Concorde SST
Shameful and horrible to eat octopus or ANY creature in this way, especially babies.
Those who do should be ashamed, but have no shame. Despicable is right.

Concorde SST
Player #42394680, yes, horrifically and shamefully barbaric! Makes my heart sick just thinking about the terrible suffering and awful death.
Deviant practices like that should be renounced by all world leaders with a ban imposed on it. Sad to say that enforcing it completely would likely be a tricky thing, though.

Player #42394680, I know I've seen them do it on TV, and yes I agree with you, it's dispicable....

Player #96919, NO ONE will ever catch me eating this!

Some Asian countries have the most despicable eating habits.

Shame on them. Vultures.

Unfortunately, what we see as despicable, some see as normal.