In which month, according to the whole world, did the October Revolution of 1917 take place in Russia?
Correct answer: In November

Sunne Draca
The reason it’s referred to as the October Revolution is that Russia used the Julian calendar at the time. They were converting to the Georgian calendar which made the date fall into early November.

Yknip 7
Arohanui, Wouldn't it have been nice (and logical) if they had explained it?!

Sunne Draca, Thank you for the explanation.

Everybody wonders why they didn't explain it in the description.

Republic of China
Sunne Draca, you should have explained it further that Julian Calendar is used by the so called "Slavic" countries which includes Serbia and other countries. Russia transitioned into Gregorian calender because I think they want to be a "modern and Western-style" country...