Which of these is associated with a low incidence of cardiovascular diseases among the French?
Correct answer: The French drink a lot of red dry wine

There is no paradox here. The assumption that eating a diet of high fat foods causes heart disease is simply wrong. There is no legitimate scientific study that proves high fat diet causes heart disease, check it out. This falsehood has been link to marketing by the sugar industry.

I prefer to eat real butter, full fat yogurts etc etc, as I think sensible amounts of food that's as natural as possible is better for you than over processed, allegedly healthy low fat or low sugar food.

Red wine and dark chocolate, my health food.

pity I hate the red stuff

Curmudgeon, the catch with the last sentence is the not too much part. that's a lot easier said than done.

Curmudgeon, the catch with the last sentence is the not too much part.

There's no mention of high consumption of garlic in France and a preference to use olive oil rather than other oils, which I've heard to also contributes to the French paradox. Keeping in mind that you have to die of something eventually, the French more likely die instead of liver conditions caused by the deliciously wonderful rich French food and regular consumption of alcohol, although you see very few people drunk in France, in comparison to other countries

rosa de lurdes
oops correction. I can only wish I could change the world

they certainly don't drink as much now as they used to.

Red wine is one trigger for my migraines... :-(