How can sperm whales tell where others of their species are from?
Correct answer: With their songs

Remember Star Trek: The Voyage Home? They came back to earth to save the whales.

Sailor Blue
ProudCanadian, They came back to earth to get the whales to save the earth. They also weren't sperm whales.

Love whales, they are protected by New Zealand and Australia from Japanese whaling ships coming down to Antarctica, killing them for "scientific research" when during a follow up found the whale meat for sale in markets/shops.

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Yes, I remember this Star Trek. Mr Spock said that it’s illogical to hunt a species to extinction! 😎

i never knew this about the sperm whale . very intriguing

My absolute favourite of the Animal kingdom... Whales are fascinating to study, and awesome to behold in the flesh

I believe they are the loudest animal on earth

so do the humpback whales that migrate up and down the west and east coast's of Australia

Player #2512936
I Wish Humans would Stop Killing everything that they encounter!

Player #5100533
ProudCanadian, Humpbacks, Not Sperm whales.

Goodbye Moonmen
Birds also apparently have regional accents as well