What unique app was developed in Iceland?
Correct answer: Determining a degree of kinship of the inhabitants of the country

Too late for this app in hill billy America

I’m Icelandic, but I live in Canada. This is such a funny question as earlier he said this to me!
“When I said you were related to everybody on Iceland I wasn't joking Iceland had the least variety of DNA in the world. Everybody there is related” lol. That kind of threw me right off guard!!!

“There’s an app for that”

Guillermo Jr.
in Kentucky we use Incestry.com

Holly Golightly
so does this mean you have to whip out your phone at the bar on a date..excuse me let me see if we're related before we go to my place

Sheryl, it's the same with Pacific Islanders. One of the reasons why my siblings & I all marry outside of our culture 🤦

Kiwi Bird
I wonder how distant the family relationship needs to be in order for them to consider sleeping with someone 😅

Sorry I was trying to say that earlier my uncle said this to me today (read my next post)

Imagine the feeling of having an intimate bedscene with your first cousin and not knowing it.

Player #30160334, 25 million+ inhabitants, large number of immigrants, i think we have enough variety here thanks.

I find the "hillbilly" jokes quite offensive. I wonder how would you react if it was a remark about a minority

Hilarious...funny, not funny? 🤣

Baron Voski
The question is very vague 😞

Player Quitos
Guillermo Jr., Too funny!

Johnston, so what are the reasons?

choogaloo, that's hilarious!

Dharmik Pawar
Kiwi Bird, only to avoid long term relationships resulting in children with genetic disorders.

choogaloo, okk

Player #38618593
It's "hillbilly". (Is that where you're from?)

Herlene Tyson
choogaloo, hahahahajaha….. good one!

Player #55131284
Why to sleep with a stranger from the beginning? Only animals do that. Humans should be more refined.

Player #50005226
Player #19422400, you would be able to make a list of all the eligible women / men available. then go for it . Maybe we should all do it.

Im Icelandic and I wasnt sure what it was but then I remembered.

The app exists but not for incest reasons. That's a common misconception caused by assumptions made by international media when the app was first released.
Source: am icelandic and remember this shitshow

In a nutShell..
Is there hope for the folk of Van Diemans land ?!? 🙂🤔

Player Say what!?
Sheryl, I've been to Iceland and LOVED it.

Martina Mac
Malta should get one too

Player #2021081, LOL.. that’s so true they’re probably their second cousins nephew’s uncle

Player #19422400, what does that mean?

Player #19422400
Good for when you want to "old boy" someone.