Which of these days is part of the weekend in Germany?
Correct answer: Sonntag

Player #6852065, in the
north of Germany, Sonnabend is more common, pronounced SONNamd. In Bavaria and other southern regions, it's Samstag.

Ripley, agree, I lived in Bavaria for three years (US Army) they have different words and anunciations for many words, not to mention unique traditions the rest of Germany does not share.

Ripley, Samstag is Saturday, Sonntag is Sunday, but Sonnabend is used in South Germany, as you said. I don't live in Germany but have visited a lot, and have learned to speak the language. Most speakers of regional dialects seem also to be able to speak "Hochdeutsch".

Player #54720213
similar to yiddish

I used to help my kids study German as a third language and this is how I picked the correct answer, they are college students now and know nothing about the language but I still remember😄

Player Bengal Mama
Donnerstag makes me think of one of Santa's reindeers.

Player #2512936
OvalEnigma89756, The Library also has many books You can learn from.

Player #6852065
when I took German in high school, Samstag was saturday

Player #16702581
German days of the week and counting to ten in German was taught to us by mom.

Very Interesting, I love this Quizzland puzzles I only went to the 5th Grade in School, got me a GED and went to Get Cosmetology License However I Still have a Need to learn more about So much, Thank you Quizzland For Giving me so Many Things to learn in this puzzle Everyday,