Which famous fictional cat was created by Jim Davis?
Correct answer: Garfield

I have saved sever Garfield strips. In my favourite, Jon has threatened Garfield with a diet. when high drama insues, Jon askes the cat for an alternative. With a look that is collectively desperate, pathetic & panicy, G has J by the shirt front pleading, "Amputate something!"

Player #28204786
I have a cat (Garfield) looks like comic Garfield. My Garfield eats,sleeps then he eats. Same every day, he is about 20 pounds. He loves belly rubs. and when he in not eating or sleeping, he follows family members to see what they are up to.

Loved the Garfield strips. Recall one where he bemoaned Monday the 13th.

Player #1137636
Pookie! Remember those Garfield plushies w/the suction cups that everyone had in their cars? I NEEDED one, but wasn't old enough to drive, so he lived on my mirror.

Giggle pig
Garfield was, and is one of my favorite cartoons. However, I got bored after about four seasons there’s just so many fat cat jokes out there.

Another famous Indiana man!