On April 20, 1979, which president was "attacked" by a rabbit?
Correct answer: Jimmy Carter

Pamela Richardson
He didn't help the poor rabbit?

Player #14314580
Jew for Yeshua, yes rabbits can swim.

Tom Paxton wrote hilarious song commemorating the occasion.
I don't want a bunny wunny in my little row boat.
In my little row boat in the pond.
Cause the bunny may be crazy.
And may bite me on my throat.
In my little row boat in the pond.
Strange, the things you remember.

So that’s where Monty Python got the killer rabbit from.

Jimmy Carter really impressed me throughout the years. such a role model and leader to be so involved with Habitat for humanity.

Run Away! Run Away!

Be wise
He recently passed away at 100yrs old.

Player #120374466
Deliah, I like shopping at habitat for humanity store. I gotten good deals of used furniture, lamps etc.

Player #120374466
EJ, How do you know?

Player #120374466
myrn , Yes I think the rabbit was seeking help. YouTube has shown many examples of wild animals seeking assistance from people

Pamela Richardson, shame on him for not rescue that poor rabbit!

Pamela Richardson, really!

Pamela Richardson, it would have bitten him.

the poor rabbit got eaten by an alligator

Pamela Richardson, I vaguely remember that story. I was a senior in high school at the time. As I recall, he was too shocked and also, the rabbit didn't appear to need any help.

ALL animals instinctively know how to swim, wether they like it or not!

Giggle pig
Klaus , Carter was a good man, a decent man, but yes, a horrible president.

Ralph, Sorry, but not true...We had a dog that didn't know how to swim and we had to "teach" him, he ended up loving the beach even more! 👍🐶 The first time we were boogie boarding and he jumped off and sank downwards, blowing bubbles outta his nose, I had dive down and rescue him! Funny now, but not than! 😅

Ralph: All animals can swim whether they want to or not

Meemer, that is interesting

nolongerIbutCHRIST, me too

Unali 58, the summary of the story

Pamela Richardson, he should of

Player #66817220
Ricketysprit01, Python came first. Consult the Book of Armaments if you don't believe me.

The Rabbit will do what it takes to survive the canines chasing it. Omg! I donnot believe this fairy tail.

Pamela Richardson, More like he attacked the rabbit.

Player 456
How could the bunny attack him? Rabbits are known as the most common prey in the world. They are often scared of humans so they try to seek low and avoid them.

Unali 58, that's the story I want to read!

Frick u

Player #45505475
It was JIMMY Carter, pretty sure the bunny was safe from disaster. Right, that would be NEXT potus.

it could have been a hero and saved that rabbit.

Player #14314580, rabbit can swim but not forever