Which sea creature evaporates in the sun?
Correct answer: Jellyfish

sure! step on 1 and find out!

GCA70, their tentacles are venomous, not poisonous.

BionicFlyweight14427, they also suggest putting her sand on it as well..wet sand by the ocean, not fresh water for those who don't know the difference. it works! My brother got stung on the back once and some guy on the beach started packing sand in his back. Took the sting right out!

I'm not 100% sure but I think they can still still sting after being out of the water

questionableYo,man29, if something is poisonous it will harm u if u eat it, but if something is venemous it will harm u if it bites u

I bet jellyfish are sad because there are no peanut butter fish. 😞

MelodieStarr, That is not true for several reasons. The way to relieve the pain of most marine venoms is heat. Hot water works best although simply laying the affected part on hot sand also helps. Heat rapidly breaks down the toxin. I have been surfing for 40 years and have been stung by a variety of sea beasts and this is the only thing that really works.

Player #2867640
My most haunting childhood memory was me standing on a jelly fish's tentacles and getting stung then all my brothers chased me with their Willie's out I ran back to the hotel and hid in the bath/shower it was like that scene from psycho my brothers ripped the shower curtain opened and started pissing all over me 😐

you can pee on your feet or legs wherever they sting you or carry vinegar. lil

I thought there is a jelly fish that can kill you with it's poison. I thought it is called a box jelly fish.

If they have long tentacles they can still sting out of the water.the irikanji jellyfish is deadly.

BeamerDownUnder, l

electrical shock is not an effect of jellyfish envenomation, although jellyfish venom is unique in that it is neurotoxic, hemotoxic, and cytotoxic.

Player #2867640, did it help?

ColonelSwak, thanks for the info

when I was at the outer Banks I found bunches of them, just the round part. it took me awhile to realize that's what they were.

Stanley R.Camiguin , but, how do they recharge... USB?

Headcheese75, Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

RamblingCrystal97361, I've heard that one has an acquaintance urinate on the injured area. Takes the sting right out.

GrandmaTanya, they can I live in the Atlantic and they're often seen washed ashore. Even after they've died those tentacles still pack one heck of a sting

GrandmaTanya, that's a stingray

BeamerDownUnder, their tentacles are electric, not venomous or poisonous.

Ruby, venom comes the Latin word for poison , " veneno". The snake , bites and the jelly fish ,stings. BOTH have " venom".

Joseph, the box jellyfish and the little one the size of your thumbnail are the 2 deadliest. the thumbnail size one I believe was discovered within the last 10 years or so. it's in the water around Australia. many people that they thought had had a heart attack and were actually stunk by this one.

GCA70, venomous tentacles. venom is injected like from snakes, the male platypus and other animals. poison has to be injested like from a pufferfish

Bjach, jellyfish are venomous like some snakes and the male platypus and other animals inject their venom. poison has to be injested

Bjach, that is one of the two deadliest jellyfish in the world the other is a thumbnail sized jellyfish which was recently discovered in waters around Australia. they are many more that are deadly the Portuguese man of war is one that we have in the Gulf of Mexico it's probably other places I just know where off the top of my head. some may be deadly to some people and not others if they have an allergy to something in the poison

GrandmaTanya, yes a dead jellyfish can still sting after its dead

RamblingCrystal97361, Its not just the sand, its the antidote for the sting is in the sand expelled by the jelly fish, it happened to me.

really like like like the game

BeamerDownUnder, they both still can kill ya

Pchblsom, They are beautiful and relaxing to watch.

Mama Crow, I would not want that strong and dangerous chemical on me.

Player #3906185, Very interesting wouldn't hurt to try if you had it. I still vote soap and water.

TRSC, Soap and water best idea I think. Vinegar, salt water sand, or heat is definitely worth trying, but not urine!

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, My goodness things are interesting and crazy right?

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, Right!

* Seshati *, Yes and excellent, intense, and very, interesting movie.

Dawn, Very intense and amazing movie!!! Powerful movie.

Neeya, Mean!