In which year, with the ratification of which Amendment, did Congress mandate a federal income tax?
Correct answer: 1913, with the ratification of the 16th Amendment

Player: Coco
And grossly wealthy people should be paying their fair share instead of skipping through loopholes. Unbelievable greed. There should be a straight tax on ALL income including capital gains & dividends worth, and we can then re-assign most IRS workers. We wouldn't have a national debt. Sorry for my spiel.

Congress is full of freeloaders living off the people of this country

Player: Coco, I agree the rich should have to pay fair share, no loopholes. that alone would make an enormous difference.

Player #19472386
The IRS has been here long enough & of all government entities should be ABOLISHED now.

Player #25465567
Congress doesn't need to change the tax rate for the wealthy. They need to clean up the tax code to eliminate the loopholes that allow so many wealthy and large corporations to pay little or no taxes.

weedwhacker, I literally sat down and did the math. If you were to flat out take the net worth of the worlds 100 richest people, you wouldnt be able to run the US government for more than 2 years. Plus, the money these richest people get is from the middle class. The issue isnt tax rates, it's government spending

Player #19472386, so how do you propose we build roads, schools, etc. without taxes and the IRS to collect them?

Player: Coco, Nothing to be sorry for. Our lives would be considerably better for your suggestions.

We all need to unite to hold our Government (all representatives & Senators individually liable) for stealing from us. Social Security is truly going to be Bankrupt soon, we need major campaign finance reform, to state that it’s simply the wealthy not paying their fair share isn’t 1/10th of the problem. We wouldn’t have our freedoms without our constitution and our Capitalist system. Socialism isn’t the answer but neither is corporate welfare and the true source of our problems, a corrupt government where politicians become millionaires and billionaires and our people can’t afford to buy gas and food!

Coco you are so right I worked as a Corporate Tax Accountant for over 25 years for over 5 Major Companies and the loopholes we either USED or developed tax plans to pay the LEAST amount of TAXES!!

Player #1081396
Player #25465567, hate to disappoint you, but corporations act as tax collectors for the government. The individuals who work there pay taxes, the large corporations pay the taxes they collect and are taxed on sales, as well.

Taxation is theft.

Roaring Creek Redneck
Player: Coco, the rich get richer & the poor get poorer

Player: Coco, The rich pay most of the taxes. Over 50% of households pay no income tax at all. Look up the numbers.

Player: Coco, Don't be sorry-your comments are so very true! Don't forget that Fortune 500 companies "wiggle" out of paying taxes!!!

Player #52182676
did not get a chance to answer