What is the cooked combination of macaroni and cheese called in Canada?

Correct answer: Kraft Dinner

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Kraft Dinner is just the most popular brand. Mac n cheese is what we call the dish.
In my 55 years in Canada, "Kraft Dinner" has never been a generic synonym for any mac and cheese dish. The question writer probably confused Kraft's different labeling of the same product in US vs. Canada.
Yellow death according to my stepfather. I always have some in the cupboard but prefer the real thing
cooked I'd past tense, Kraft dinner if ,,to be ,,cooked
Sailor Blue
Sailor Blue
EsenMau, Nothing weird about that. I like the no-name one too.
Sailor Blue
Sailor Blue
riel, If it comes out of a box, I call it Kraft dinner (actually KD). If I make it from scratch, it's Mac and Cheese. Pretty much everyone I know calls it that. And, yes, I'm Canadian.
Everyone I know, including myself, calls it kraft dinner (regardless of whatever particular brand is being used). I actually prefer the "no name" brand myself. Weird huh? Sometimes Mac and Cheese slips out, but not often and I find it usually slips out with homemade recipes as often as not.