What is Jacinta Ardern's occupation?
Correct answer: Politician
Player #15384074
I wish our leaders would had done the same
Her name is Jacinda not Jacinta
Amazing how she stayed focused and was able to unite everyone to cooperate and keep it under control.
Player #33161631
Kiwozzie, look at the buffoon we have in the UK. You are so lucky to have the sort of politics that enable good people to become politicians. The poisonous, corrupt politics of the UK means our political establishment is riddled with self-serving mediocre wannabes.
Best Prime Minister we have ever had in NZ.
Wish she come to uk and be our prime minister. We are the worst we’ve ever been. ThankJohnson for that
her name is JACINDA and is no longer prime Minister of New Zealand😁
John K
Player #33161631, yes it’s the same in Australia. The previous government we had in Australia (Liberal Party) was the most corrupt government we have ever had.
Player #33161631, Same in U. S.
Player #33161631, Are you sure you don't live in the USA? Sounds like 2022 conditions here. Evil men (& women) wax worse and worse.
Player #6982914
Jacinda not Jacinta.