Which breed of dog is believed to be the fastest?
Correct answer: Greyhound

We just voted in Florida to do away with the horrible sport of Greyhound racing!!! Sometimes FL does the right thing!

Birdiemon, except the dogs live terrible lives while training & racing. The slower ones are disposed of, they are shocked w cattle prods to get out the gate. kept on very little food, if injured most again disposed of cost & time to heal, all just to win a damn race to make owners $$$,. Yes, the love to run, but they should be free to run in open space and on their own free will

old lady
penawareof, I adopted a retired track greyhound who lived to 14.5 years. she was a 45mph couch potato. RIP Maggie. I miss you.

GrandYeoman45852, We got two greyhounds, best pets ever.

Oops. Anyway, Florida does very few right things, but I must agree that banning Greyhound racing IS the absolutely best decision this state mandated.

I didn't know what the mascot of Southern Illinois University was until I saw a photo of one in a Homecoming football program. Surprised to learn there was a lot of people didn't know that the Saluki is that mascot and is pretty common breed of dog in Egypt.

Hahahanky, sad, but true, it's a horrible "sport".

penawareof, greyhounds and lurchers are amazing pets.

A lady I used to work for had a Greyhound and it was very docile.

gamehappy0728, My daughter rescued an Italian greyhound . . Sweetest dog!

dog is not a greyhound, its a yellow lab.😋

Excuse the Kuz
what about Whipits?

little b
i love 💕 dogs

Player #137712081
that is not a picuture of a Grey hound

Suekirider, Florida is a state that actually has a lot of things right

that's a Labrador retriever, not a Greyhound!

old lady, that's is awesome and funny

Hahahanky, I agree with you.

The dog in the picture is not a greyhound.😂😂🙄

Player #123009257
This is not a greyhound

Phereracer1, yes. But pic is of a yellow lab??

My friend has a greyhound named after the Ireland rugby player Bundee Aki!

Player #113523264
it's a golden retriever

sam, yes it is nothing like a greyhound.

that's a Labrador!

The picture is of a yellow lab, not a grayhound!

Jean Louise
I concur with all the comments that describe the horror of being an exploited greyhound. They love to run but are abused terribly for this gift. No more animals for sport!!!

Jean Louise
old lady, Thank you for giving your Maggie a home. you rock!!

Player #81041983
that looked more like a Labrador than a greyhound

my sister's friend adopted retired or abandoned greyhounds. they were beautiful dogs

Retired greyhounds make great pets and are very undemanding 👍

Borzoi? Let me do it for youuu 🎶

andrew hilton
that's a Labrador

GrandmaTanya, it won't let me give a 👎🏻, so here it is...

Belgian Malinois is the fourth fastest dog breed. We have a dog that is part Belgian Malinois and man, is he fast! He doesn't have a great deal of endurance, but he's quite the sprinter.

Player #22600473, Yes, you are correct. I rescued one from the track in Connecticut. He lived to be almost 13. I still miss him….he passed in 2012.

Certain countries have Greyhound dog races

The next person I meet that doesn't believe in evolution, I'm going to ask them if they have a dog or cat. If they do, I will then ask what breed it is and just leave it at that, with a long Hmmm...

Beautifully sensitive souls🧞🌸

Player #41698437
Looks like a golden retriever not a greyhound