The Lhasa Apso dog breed is originally from which part of China?

Correct answer: Tibet

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #4055764, ask a Tibetan (especially a monk), and they will say no. Ask a CCP member, and they will say absolutely.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
The giveaway here is that Lhasa is “ the administrative capital of” of Tibet . A dog with that word in it’s name is from there
Aww, I've had 4 of this fabulous Dog breed. 💓
Republic of China
Republic of China
Also, the question gave the answer away if you know what is "Lhasa". It is the capital of Tibet
Republic of China
Republic of China
Player #4055764, Yes it is. But it was annexed by China in 1959 and China wants the world to recognise Tibet as part of China although Tibet remained independent from 14th to 19th century.
Player #4055764
Player #4055764
Tibet is a part of China?