What is psephology?

Correct answer: Study of elections and voting trends

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Tremain White, Trumpology?
Christine ~ RN
Christine ~ RN
Tremain White, ‘Whinning’ also known as, ‘My Party Must Win’ or I call it a rigged election.
Christine ~ RN
Christine ~ RN
TwoTin16, That’s unfortunate. It’s an important part of improving life for all citizens. It’s still the art of the possible.
Christine ~ RN
Christine ~ RN
Vanessa, Great explanation. Appreciate your sharing it.
Player #33254595
Player #33254595
Tremain White, conspiracy theory.
Tremain White
Tremain White
what's the word for the study of r'gd el'ns? ;-)