How many feet are there in one mile?
Correct answer: 5,280

Funny the things I remember from elementary school. I don’t think the US will ever go metric. They were threatening to do so when I was in high school 50 years ago but we’re still hanging on to miles, pounds, and quarts.

Metric born and raised. Clueless as to miles and feet.

Player #25874027
Cookie Bean, along with 1760 yards in a mile , 63360 inches in a mile .
6 feet in a fathom , 22 yards in a chain , 10 chains in a furlong and 8 furlongs in a mile .

The United States doesn't actually use the Imperial system for weights and measures. We use the US Customary system, which differs from Imperial only in measurement of volume. Our ounce is bigger, our pint is smaller, and quart and gallon differ, too.

While reading a bit about the Imperial system, I learned something funny about England's system of measures, which is a mix of Metric and Imperial. Most of England has gone metric, but they still demand beer in pints and roads measured in miles. They purchase petrol by the liter, but discuss it in terms of miles per gallon...

Player Say what!?
Maui Girl, Me too! Howdy neighbor. 👋

Only 3 countries still use imperial, being Liberia, Burma/Myanmar and USA. They should get with the rest of us. It was introduced in Australia in 1973 and we had a few years notice to get accustomed to it.

Player Say what!?
Leapfoot, I am equally clueless to the metric system. Hard to watch nature shows when they say, "It's 50 centimeters long or the temp averages 15 Celsius. Thank goodness for my smart phone, lol

Player #25874027, this is exactly why I prefer metric. it's SO much easier to understand.

Maui Girl
I live in the mile high city. Denver CO