Who is Satyendra Nath Bose?
Correct answer: All options are correct

cool man cause he have worked with Einstein....😉🤘🤘

jay, he was cool because he was talented and wildly intelligent; not because he worked with a more famous scientist. His own accomplishments stand on their own merits

Poncho Black
Bose is the reason we have Bose electronic devices. there is a song about him and George Washington Carver named "Same Ole Story" by Stevie Wonder from the 1979 double LP "Journey Through the Secret Life of Plants".

Player #45505475
I’m going to go library and look for a biography about this man, his times, people of his times :: friends, family, colleagues, et.al.

Player #4591934
Would love to have even 10% of his knowledge.

little b
I've not heard of satyendra Nath nose

Player #54140307, Gold Biscuit , you r right

Didn't I read Einstein played the violin too? What a duet that would have made!

Player #45505475, do people know what a real library with things called paper books these days?

Player #104420241
and nobody has heard of Earth Day !!?? shame

actually I don't know about him....😔😞

Player #54140307
Gold Biscuit, you r right

brainy guy, right!!

lol always opt for "all of the options" instantly

Player #25874027
Poncho Black,
George Washington Carver invented peanut butter

Wow....I never knew that an Indian worked with Einstein.

Had no clue but "all are correct" is 99% the right choice

its the 'all answers are correct' for me

Satmeet Kaur
I know how to play esraj like Bose. It is also called as Dilruba an instrument invented by the tenth Sikh guru Sri guru Gobind Singh

Player #41480056
Lakshya Bro, there's only 1 thing I don't like about Germany and that's Adolf Hitler other than that Germany and the German people are amazing

Lakshya Bro
Thanks to Germany🇧🇪for giving
us *Einstein*.
Thanks to India🇮🇳 for giving
us *Bose*

Gold Biscuit
Poncho Black, I think they are different 'Boses'. it's quite a common surname in Bengal (India)

Player #28898847
The reference image/picture provided above is of Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose.
Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose CSI CIE FRS was a biologist, physicist, botanist and an early writer of science fiction. He pioneered the investigation of radio and microwave optics, made significant contributions to plant science, and laid the foundations of experimental science in the Indian subcontinent.

Player #28889949
Anyone else realise that with this app when there is an “all options are correct” it is ALWAYS without fail this option? If not you’re welcome.

Player #17297734
science is my favourite subject