Which of these has the shallowest depth of the five Great Lakes?

Correct answer: Lake Erie

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Live not too far from Lake Erie.
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Lake Superior also has tremendously rough waves. The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald is a prime example.
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
we vacationed at Long Point Ont. in the 70s.. on a stormy day, Enigmatic Erie deals out waves like the North Atlantic..
The waves in Winter put an "ice storm" on vehicles next to Lake Erie.
Jim O
Jim O
Pyr8Lass, no that was the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland.
Border Cat
Border Cat
lol. I better have gotten that one right. from Erie, PA
Shelby Johnson
Shelby Johnson
I live along Lake Michigan and our depths are mysterious. Lots of shipwrecks and sunken items!
Lake Erie was so polluted in the 1970s, it caught on fire.