By 9000 BCE, the bison also called a buffalo, roamed in vast herds on which continent?
Correct answer: North America

We named our son Bison (he was born in May 2020), but we're Swedish and in Swedish the word/name is pronounced "bee-son". Beautiful animal- I've had a bison silver pendant around my neck for several years.

Alexander Supertramp
They are also the symbol of the RCMP in Canada

Player #25874027
Not on those responsible. They should be trampled by those they killed , every day in hell for eternity.

Felipe, you left out 'great' Britain.

They did before Europeans arrived and tried to kill as many as possible to starve the native Americans to steal their land.

scallywag, Ahhh it was only the Plains Indian tribes that relied on bison. I'm fairly certain commercial enterprise was the main reason for the slaughter.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
We are so very lucky to have these majestic animals all around us where we live. We have even had buffalo related deaths here.