What was the name of a non-violent resistance group in the Third Reich led by a group of Munich students?
Correct answer: White Rose

Player Sherry
so sad! They must have been very brave.

Player #9442102
FPT, Any one who disagreed with the Nazis and Hitler were killed. This included Jews, Catholics, Gypsies , homosexuals. In fact they didn't care whether these people disagreed or not.

Man's inhumanity to man.

Player #38792705
Brave Patriots. May they rest in peace for their service to humanity.

dan...-, you helped

Look at what’s happening today. The more things change the more they stay the same. Lessons taught are much to soon forgotten.

Old Fool
As I understand it, the German resistance movement during WWII actually outnumbered the French resistance movement.
However, in both countries the number of both dedicated Nazi's, and eager collaborators, was higher.
More French resistance fighters were betrayed by fellow frenchmen than were captured by Germans.

Old Fool, my dad had escaped from prisoner of war camp after Dunkirk gathered with others at a safe house only to be given away by a French collabeurator

I highly recommend the German movie with the same name 'White rose'
It is really good! ❤️

I learn something new everyday.

Hugo, Thank you Hugo. Hope to find it.

Old Fool, yes true, the size and importance of the French resistance was greatly exaggerated after the war to boost the battered national pride of a beaten and occupied people.

Player #56797268
Didn't know about these brave people

Hugo, yes indeed ive watched it also

Maria C
dan...-, so sad

Jenny 🥰
dan...-, so sad

Player #21374632
Player #18639837, Bless You,,you cared,

Player Number1Explor
dan...-, I cried when I read this ,so utterly heartbreaking .Why was he killed ?

Player #2512936
dan...-, Most of Them were propably busy Filming with Their phones.