Which of these Hollywood actresses was well known for her very reclusive lifestyle?
Correct answer: Greta Garbo

I love this game. not only do the questions make me smarter but the comments after help me learn about things I never knew.

"I vant to be alone..."

I petsit for my friend and she had one cat who preferred to be alone. I nicknamed the cat, Garbo.

Player #9442102
New Yorker, she was a person who did her job ie movies. Her free time should be her own. Total privacy is not wrong!

Guillermo Jr.
RockNRollMama82, I identify with all of this.. cats are my favorite people!

Guillermo Jr., I love dogs and cats and prefer their company over most humans.

Player #70614116
I wish some of the entertainers around today would be more like Garbo and keep to themselves as well as their opinions, instead of jumping on a soapbox about every little thing.

Player #9442102, 👍

Jaypoon, anonymity of true self hidden in characters.

Makes me wonder why someone who detests people or crowds would choose a profession like acting.

What a sad life to not even like people. Makes me wonder why.

AMG Guy, My sentiments also!

Purrfect Virgo. 👍👍👍👍👍

I also read that she was a bi sexual or lesbian. I can’t remember exactly which it was right off the top of my head. There were a lot of actresses back in that day and age bi-sexuals and Hollywood covered it up by marrying them off.

I love this game,it makes me feel smart and I am learning a lot

Player #34566720
AMG Guy, I feel the same way

Player #13023389
I didnt guess this one at all. Greta Garbo is in fact 100% correct. Debby

Player #9679719
Kat, ido too.