In the biblical Book of Samuel, which giant was defeated by young King David?
Correct answer: Goliath

Minkagal #28125873
Which "scholars?"

David killed Goliath!

Player #3174467, Agree, he was still supposed to be a shepherd who had gained his skill with the sling while protecting his flock. Also bear in mind that the average male height then was about 5'2" ,making any male over 6' a giant and may I cynically say, a much easier target for a sniper type attack. His ascension to the throne and his rule ( ie.Bathsheba and Uriah) were so controversial that it was obvious he needed some positive spin. Ye old spin doctor was already a craftsman way back then !

Player #3174467
he wasn't king yet

Player #22333632
David was a great King of Israel and his Psalms
are wonderful!

little b
I'm not a Goliath

Mom and I was literately talking about David and Goliath earlier.

im 5 my profile is my face

my answer is icarus im not correct

Diamond ice hashira 🎐
king David defeated Goliath because God is with David

second, not third king of the United Kingdom of Israel.