Which of these is a condition involving an abnormal reaction to an ordinarily harmless substance?
Correct answer: Allergy

im not allergic to anything

Player #34785175
I'm actually allergic to something funny: Sand

Player Elf Council
Player #13173675, I'm allergic to anything cooked in olive oil. Awake all night.

little b
i dont have a allergy

I have allergies bad! Sometimes I can’t breath!

Giggle pig
I have no idea what it feels like to have an allergy. I was brought up in the deep deep country, maybe that’s it.

Love of nature
I’m so allergic at perfumes to much , because when I smell them I sneeze and cough so much

it loved, it 😂

Lol thought it was something complicating

Mold, dust and fungus for me. Thank goodness for Benadryl.

The question makes it sound more like a phobia.

vegito, me too

Angel fighting Dragons
Strong allergies have begun ... Summer has come, incoming sleepless nights

Cookie_the_dog, same

Player #42815029
vegito, me to

It’s The Dragon
I’m allergic to a small thing called death, so...
(Jk, I’m not allergic to anything 😏)

Paki Moisa
vegito, you are lucky

Paki Moisa
i am alergic at water😭😭

Rogelyn Naul
vegito, i have 1

I'm allergic to grass

I’m allergic to almonds and celery they make me itchy

Player #38166756
am allergic sometime

꧁L̸a̸z̸y̸ w̸e̸e̸b̸꧂, You can't be allergic to cat, you're allergic to cat fur

I'm allergic to polen, and this is why, without taking some medicine, I can't smell flowers, and I love flowers and nature

Player #34413639
i am allergic with rain but i love rain i have to drink so many vitamins syrup but i hate this to drink my father told me he was doctor he told that it increases in new immunity cell
the syrups really improve my condition

꧁L̸a̸z̸y̸ w̸e̸e̸b̸꧂
Im allergic to cat

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
I'm allergic to only the big size prawn like lobster but not the small one. It's weird though. My doctor suggest me just stop eating it but I can't. It's hurt but worth it😋

I have not won what it is fun