What was the ancient Roman goddess of justice wearing as a symbol of her impartiality?

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Lady Justice, I wonder what the ancient Greeks would have thought about how justice is administered now, in the western world. It might look fair, but it is plagued with imperfections.
Lady justice was supposed to be fair, but over the years everything changed
:(Nancy E):
:(Nancy E):
Justice and fair are not always followed in the courts. The laws are so perverted that the average citizen can’t understand them. I went to court only one time in my life and following the law will not guarantee that you will win. It’s an eye opener for sure.
Fairness is in the eye of the beholder. Justice anymore seems to only follow the money trail. Such a sad state of ignorance we humans have become. I personally do, unfortunately per ad nauseam, strive for truth.
Player #6852065
Player #6852065
Blacktulip23, A lot of times it doesn't even look fair.