What is the name of a condition when a person's spine is curved in over three dimensions?
Correct answer: Scoliosis

Player Elf Council
Player MR #24193286, I was knocked down by a motor scooter when I was 19 and damaged my spine. At 79 I am certainly paying for it these days.

Arohanui, it depends on the degree of curvature. some we manage with surgery, some with a brace and some we leave alone. if it's complex and affecting organs, I don't think I'd want anyone trying to manage it with yoga alone.

also difficult to cure if you have other bodily injuries

team edward cullen
I had to wear a backbrace

was tested for this but negative

Chicken Webb the drummer suffered from this condition.

Burned Out Bob
I was rejected by the USAF because of scoliosis. Nobody in my circle knew what scoliosis was at the time. My school started checking

When I was in high school, there was a girl in the grade above me that had to wear a back brace. She had it removed when she was in Grade 12. She looked fantastic!

Player Elf Council, I feel for you. I had a herniated disc which was operable fortunately...caused by a nasty fall from a horse way back 1965’ish!

Player Jellybean, I got missed then at school? My spine is slightly curved and it is too late at 77yrs old to straighten it. Fortunately I can still get about okay.

My error...hit wrong answer

Libra 10:21
Arohanui, me too thanks i will try yoga