Which Seneca orator and chief defended his Native American religion in 1895 with a historical speech?

Correct answer: Red Jacket

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What people think about it: 25 Comments
Player #30375873
Player #30375873
Amen! With all the controversy surrounding professional sports team names disrespecting native Americans, it might be interesting to note there is a school district in the Finger Lakes region of New York State (USA) honoring this wise and amazing leader.
Player #30383795
Player #30383795
Hipocritocal that settlers came here for religious freedom only to suppress and murder the natives for their religious beliefs and lifestyle
Player #28172975
Player #28172975
awesome. I live in upstate New York where the Seneca Lived . but I never knew this about Red Jacket. Interesting. We have a farm stand called Red Jacket never knew who that was.
Player #32876062
Player #32876062
I live in the Buffalo area. Red Jacket is laid to rest in Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Amazing Wonderful what Red Jacket said; I COMPLETELY AGREE!!!
Player #49699886
Player #49699886
It's a shame that the White man tried to exterminate the Natives culture, heritage and religion whenever they could,
I'm glad that they are including questions about Native Americans. So much history and culture should not be forgotten. level 117
Yknip 7
Yknip 7
Shouldn't the date in the question be 1805?
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
Missionaries continue to travel the world inflicting their belief's on others with no respect for them.
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Player #30383795, Settlers came here for land and the opportunity to make money - options they didn't have in Europe, where they were held back in part because of their religious beliefs. When they got here, they battled native people for their land. And when the government realized that a certain area was valuable, they packed the native people off to reservations and took t land
What was done to the Indian people was shameful and disgusting
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
I don't think every white settler should be branded as an oppressor or a murderer. Many of these folks were humble and sincere people.
Player #30383795, rich settlers killed or ran off the natives and stole their land, , Niagara Falls and the Goat Island just a part of the stolen territory s, sad when I read their history,
Yknip 7, i thought the same thing but it must be a typo
thus, Thanksgiving was born
Player #30375873, My American Indian friend says that, in his opinion, naming a sports team after them which has the best of the best sports players should be an honor.
How did he speak in 1895 when he died in 1830?
Player #30383795, hypocritical that the puritans came to the new world to escape persecution, but then persecuted anyone who did not believe as they did. Roger Williams preached mercy and tolerance and then had to flee to Rhode Island to save his life.
Player #8505446
Player #8505446
I believe that God inhabits the praises of His people , no matter how they pray . I would love to know about your religion .
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #9209393, Reservations were "given" to the Native Americans after being deceived by the U.S. Government countless times.
Player #2302284
Player #2302284
Red Jacket is buried in Forest Lawn, Buffalo, New York.
Player #30383795, They didn’t want religious freedom in general, just for themselves.
a nation that "occasionally" grapples with separation of church and state?
Player #26129643
Player #26129643
Dear Player #32876062--lived close by Buffalo's Forest Lawn Cemetery for ten years, just off Delavan. Used to go in there for the beauty, and to visit the grave of Rick James (,byach!), but ashamed I never visited Red Jacket's memorial.
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
These are The true Stewards of The earth. We all can learn much from these natives. They did a much better Job of Things than The people Who came in and took over!