In which country is a train delay for more than 5 minutes considered a serious time lag?

Correct answer: Japan

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What people think about it: 13 Comments
Player #27643412
Player #27643412
where as in some states in Australia the fact a train runs on time is often a cause of celebration & well much humor, I live on a railway line that has the worst record in the state, but the metro still insists on putting up posters stating the railway runs on time 87% of the time.. I'd take Japan's railway any day..
this is a good system and it should be applied in all the countries so that the people know the importance of time and so that they value each and everything
Player #5684840
Player #5684840
My niece visited a friend in Japan and was amazed by the trains, among other things. She'd love to live there.
Player #6852065
Player #6852065
when my wife was in Japan, she said that when a train seemed to be full, there were men whose job it was to physically cram more people onto the train. When they were packed in like sardines, the train would leave the station. The one plus was that you couldn't fall down.
little b
little b
I've not been to Japan
that will never happen in South Africa
I love, Japan religion ❤
Even in India we became used to delayed trains for 1 hour 2 hours sometimes even more than that.
They burn the trains in South Africa
pity that our (British/Virgin rail) trains can't be like that!?!
Player #25271997
Player #25271997
Haha, in Poland it's a normal thing when the train is late 1-2 hours
Japan is best in many when compared to many practices in my country and probably others too. I visited japan in 2005 and was amazed by the train and bus timings. puntuality is prime in Japan as patriotism or love for Nippon.. I love Japan too😍💝
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
In NYC, a Train running on time is considered a miracle. In Germany The Trains are very dependable and Clean.