What is the irrational fear of synthetic chemicals called?
Correct answer: Chemophobia
Phobia implies irrationality. Being afraid of poorly studied synthetic dyes isn't irrational. Some have been banned as suspected carcinogens. Fearing vitamin c, just because it wasn't taken from a fruit, IS irrational.
Player #27643412
Artemis, you miss the point Artemis everything is made up of chemicals whether you like it or not..
Player #120271469
most of these phobias seem made up
Artemis, so right.
Player #27643412, I believe the point is synthetic chemicals. the wrong combinations of natural products from our planet can be deadly to both us & our planet. it's not irrational at all. Long term so many item have been proven to be making people sick. Even medications designed to aid a person.
So 'natural' chemicals are safer than 'artificial' chemicals? Many people here have chemophobia.
Personally I find natural chemicals scarier.