What is an athletic theatrical performance, which combines fighting and grandstanding, called?
Correct answer: Wrestling

A better answer would have been Professional Wrestling. Amateur Wrestling has no grandstanding.

Player #cbonmaui
My grandson is a state champion high school wrestler. There is no grandstanding in real wrestling.

I remember my Mum taking me to the wrestling in our local town hall when I was young.

My friends who watch wrestling refer to it as their “soap”. I guess I can accept that.

Stinky Toad
Being the President of the United States of America as of late qualifies.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Love me some wrestling! Maybe it the hair! Not all Professional Wrestling is "fake". If it was, people like Owen Hart would still be here. People like Mass Transit would not have gotten so damaged for life.There is so much CTE in the sport & that is sad. Irreparable damage to the brain & can cause volatile actions. IMHO, I think CTE played in the part of the murder-suicide of Chris Benoit & family. No doubt about it in my mind.