What is the correct term for a female elephant?
Correct answer: Cow

Guy Martin
The only time you can call a female a cow then and get away with it.... lol 😂

Please no more killing these amazing animals

Love elephants xxx awesome

batman25/1, African elephants ears are in a similar shape to the African continent... if you remember that you'll never confuse the two again. 😊

I love Elephants

Princess 'M'
Guy Martin, Well said! This put a smile on my lips so, thx!

I love Elephants

If 🐘 are revered in Asia, why are they killed for their ivory. Asia has the biggest market for items made from ivory 😕

Where Is Congo
True fact I have learned about this huge animal......They are so strong saw one pull a truck stuck in mud
By pulling on rope tied to the vehicle

gamehappy0728, I don't think a smart person playing this game is actually killing the elephants. However I'm sure it's mediocre men

Boo, If you don't like ads, you can pay a one-time charge of around $10. Many other apps charge $10 per month. Griping about it won't change anything.

England slaughtered over three million African elephants in just over 100 years. No wonder they still have more ivory stockpiled than any other country. I wonder if there are any treasures of the world left from colonial times that are in the country where they belong and how many are in British and French museums.

SysterYster, "Cattle" is plural for cows, calves, and bulls together. The Bovine species are called "cows" in English. Even big, testosterone-addled bulls are just male cows, just as a rooster is a male chicken.

Boo, It's a FREE game. How do you think they earn money? It's your choice, of course, but if there were no ads, you'd have to pay for it instead. just something to consider

Love the game, but to interrupt game play with ads is ridiculous, DONT think I’ll be playing long

I like both Asian and African elephants 🐘 a lot. Because the Elephant 🐘 is my No.1 favourite wild animal. I like to ride on whether an Asian and African elephant(s) somehow.

Puma Girl
Zionkwanis, so do I

Puma Girl
Guy Martin, yep and I'm still laughing.

GREAT reply ! ! ! And so true - now a days it's almost illegal to imply when someone is huge or overweight !

Flower demon
I have never think that the cow which is a domestic animal and almost present in every 10 house of India is a female elephant

noor ullah
cow is another animal how female elephant 🐘 said as cow I am really confused 🤔

Guy Martin, haha funny! Lol 😆

I wonder why they call a female elephant a cow? That’s crazy and I would’ve never guessed that in a million years!

Roxana, cow is not a species but rather the sex of an adult female in several different species of animals.

Mark, and bovine, bison, water Buffalo, elk, whales and dolphins too

I saw a commercial for a donation to save elephants.

Chinese demand for ivory carvings, geegaws and doo-dads is driving the elephants to extinction, in the same way Chinese "medicine" drove Siberian tigers to near-extinction in the wild. If there was no demand, there would be no poachers. This is a culture that cares nothing for the earth. Then there's England, world's largest exporter of ivory. Still making money off their plunder of Africa's treasures. Just how many elephants did England slaughter to get their hands on an ivory supply that lasts to this day.

Bella, Just purchasing an artifact made from Ivory potentiates them being murdered...😔🐘

Jumblemania, I think they export them…???

Guy Martin, true

Player #47308736, why do you
sell it's black market to

Princess Mal
Vt h6ytfttyihfuy ihugiuguhgugi

Zionkwanis, in India they call him Haathi in Hindi language

PointedVirgo58747, some thinks it's lovelovelove it's not xoxo is kisskiss as friends besties

nikki can
stop killiing the elephants in Africa

I know all things cow-related, as I'm a cow-a-holic 🤣

Felipe, things is, humans like to kill each other....

A ruler who wished to punish you would give you a gift... What's so bad about that? Well, if the gift was a white elephant, you would spend a great deal of your income to feed it and it is unlawful to make a white elephant work. Isn't trivia wonderful?

The same terms are used for seals and walruses.

Jumblemania, because of the Chinese medicine trade killing endangered animals is terribly bad karma I wish people would remember that