The savoury or sweet boiled dumplings called 'pierogi' are a speciality of which country?
Correct answer: Poland

I learned that quark is a type of cheese (something like cottage cheese but a sour cream flavor).
It is not always a subatomic particle.

Nada, my great grandma made the best ones, she was Slovak.

We make these by the bushel in our New England household, both traditional and "neo" styles. I think we have 5 or 6 different types in the freezer now - potato and cheese, sauerkraut and onion, chicken adobo, etc. - the dough is a perfect conveyance for all sorts of fusion fillings. To respect Old World traditions we simply refer to them as dumplings. Tuck in!

Polish pierogi are super cool, but they aren't just Polish speciality. They are Slavic dishes, and that

Just had pierogi's for dinner. Love them and proud of my heritage.

Player #143242026
ElFeo, when my mom made them they were 3 times that size and it's all in the dough!

Mathom, yes! Potato and cheese pierogis and golumpkis! Also in New England 🤗

i am ready to bet they do not look one bit like these here pictured!

Ania, of course they are not just polish, the Chinese have been making Jiaozi, very similar dumpling since the first century AD