What is the day of the year with the most candy sales?
Correct answer: October 28
question should say in the USA... the rest of the world doesn't celebrate Halloween in the same way...
I buy a lot on Nov. 1st 😃
Just before Halloween.
Player #8258475
VividPotion6704, Why? Scotland does, and Ireland!
sweetheart day is also in October. I once dated a guy from the midwest in the US and it's a big thing there. He surprised me with a box of chocolate and said happy sweethearts day. he was surprised I never heard of it
Player en_846
Sadly we had no trick or treaters this year. The city recommended against it. On the good side we still carved pumpkins, baked the seeds, and bought a lot of chocolate. We'll be back on track next year, it's worth the wait.
Player #4047702
Because of Halloween, chocolates sell like hotcakes
Player #8258475, not with candy and they have tiny populations, compared to say China and India.
Is that in the whole World? Because most of the World don’t celebrate Halloween. Amerocentric.
Player #8258475, but not to the same extent
Goodbye Moonmen
SneakyMole92698., I think you are correct. Valentine's Day is celebrated in many more countries than Halloween
I buy a lot...lots of kids and teenager come to our door this time for trick or treat!
I was looking for February 13