How long, on average, does it take a chicken to produce one egg?
Correct answer: 25 hours

Wilma Flint
Best job ever, collecting eggs from the hen house. Be sure to dodge the rooster.

I like that they use the word retire lol!

that's a interesting fact

Player #97184361, The roosters' duties are mainly to fertilize the eggs (so they can be incubated and hatched after approx. 21 days,) and to protect the hens from predators. Chickens can lay eggs without roosters, the eggs won't be fertile.

Player #97184361
Wilma Flint, I would like to know what is the influence of the Rooster on egg laying. ? ! ! !

one ovum, two ova...

Better Life than the meat chickens who are about 48 days old when proceesed. All chickens we eat are Female 🐔

DkRatz72, or somebody's can of soup

Laurie, retire to someone's dinner table!