What does a misanthrope hate?
Correct answer: People

Wow, never new I was a misanthrope!

Human race leaves a lot to be desired 🙄

JR Dangler, I'm one

quote from a country song: "God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy!"

Ruby Woo
That was easy. I identify as a misanthrope. ;-)

Player #39331073
I do atm, lol with this Co-vid, o social distancing

Yorkshire saying: "they're all mad except me and thee, and I think thee a little mad."

I didn't know that there's a word that describes another human being not being able to stand another one in a form of dislike or hate.

Lol, unfortunately that came easy for me. 🤣

Sometimes, in my past, an element of misanthrope was present. I now feel better to be feeling very grateful for just about everything all around me. maybe I am lucky in that I no longer come in contact with people or things that would make me feel that way.

For anyone scrolling the comments section to look if there's anyone who still loves humans, I'm right here. I'm a humanist. We're not perfect, but we're pretty awesome.

horrible guy
anyone with any sense is a misanthrope

Cizinka, I think you hit the nail on the head with that one

How sad that it is even a thing to have! What a lonely & wasted way to live & use energy! It takes me too much energy to even hold a grudge mush less, hate hate hate!! Whew what-a-chore just thinking of all that hate!! Their insides must be a hot mess!!

we simply can not be always of the same opinion to be individuals. Can't think of the phobia of fear of different opinions.

the best humans are a little mad says Alice

I had to gu

Am 1 also. I prefer Animals.

GeraltOfTrivia, knew

Player #120374466
I have a tendency of not liking people. But I must be loving and open to people just as God has been the same for me

I like this question

Player #113245786
mine works best looking in the mirror

Also a great play by Molière in the 17th century.

Player #70614116
Midnight, I'm right there with you.

from the Greek word Planned Parenthood

Player #2512936
I wish dumbbells would stop telling me that I am unemployed! I work the overnight shift 6 days a week.

JR Dangler
I love the band.