What is the first and most successful cryptocurrency?
Correct answer: Bitcoin

I may as try to learn Chinese

Player #6852065
If the only record of it is online, count me out.

Holy moly that was a lot to take in, and im still none the wiser

Its value fluctuates hourly 🤷

Player #21035860
Marshall, sounds very risky

Player #25874027
And very greedy people lose a lot of real physical cash

Bitcoin is fool’s gold , there’s no security behind cryptocurrency 😞

Player #97184361
TonyK, With any brain power you can attempt to do both. Get in on bitcoin investing while learning Chinese language. Free advice, always wear a parachute. ! ! !

Player #97184361
Player #6852065, You are safe if you don’t have that kind of loose cash to invest. stick with Gold. ! ! !

Player #97184361
Player #21035860, That’s an understatement uttered triple times. ! ! !

Player #97184361
Player #25874027, Eventually, and it has happened a few times already. Billion’s disappeared. ! ! !

Player #97184361
Venus, The investors believe so. ! ! !

Unregulated in UK.