Which of these is escapism?
Correct answer: Mental diversion from unpleasant or boring aspects of daily life
Playing this game is a form of escapism for me. This has been a horrible year for those who deal with depression.
Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
I can relate, I’ve had depression for 40 years & am looking for a cure.
Like the year 2020 from mid March on...
Player #32567393, I am a 24 y/o, and I stuggle to see 25, never mind 40. You are amazing for holding on. I can only hope that I will have the willpower to keep going that long.
Cha Cha
Player #32567393, I sympathise... I've been suffering for about the same time as you. it's hard but I try to be thankful for what I have in my life. wishing you happiness 😊
Shaddy1997, I have been battling with depression for over 40 years, I'm now 55 and still suffering on a daily basis
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Shaddy1997, It has been a horrible year all way around, depression or not.
S. N. #33534832
Player #32567393, sounds both, awful and too long. I am a counsellor. Was no-one able to help?
Player #9442102
3QEliza, just remember something good could be right around the corner. It might take awhile but it will happen. I really live by this and it has helped me get through the difficult days.
sleep is my escape from the reality that I'm stressed out and depressed. But sometimes I can't sleep so I lay down and imagine things that I know myself will never be happen, just to satisfy myself.
have you tried JESUS?
Be wise
Mark kollie, you could write a book that’s later made into a movie like Harry Potter.
little b
i dont have erythromycin
Player #32567393, try being grateful for the blessings you do enjoy. and, ya ENJOY them. a gift from your maker
Darren, try doing something different. Go travel if you can. My prayers to you
Shaddy1997, my prayers to you and yours. 🙏
Player #32567393, ohh, man. Don't even start...
now I know what I'm being all threats of escapism having encountered so 😔
level 1 difficulty?
Cat Mom
3QEliza, prayers for you!
sparkle ✨
smoking 🚬 causes cancer
HarlemzFlyGirl, agree, get up, take a shower, eat something good for you, accomplish anything, volunteer, go for a walk, run an errand, talk to or smile at someone. None of this is easy to initiate but you will feel better when you make yourself break out of chains of depression. repeat daily
Player #46043397, Yes He does Amen.
Zella, Jesus can and will help.
kilz, find true hope Jesus
Maminka, But there's JESUS!!!
yanna, that was nice
Mom mom Cindy , Yes He definitely is.
Cha Cha, stay strong and awesome
3QEliza, you can with God
Player #32567393, God helps!!! Life's so hard to understand and deal with. People can be so arrogant and hurtful. If we did come back after death, I don't want to be a person. Make me something strong like a tree or something small like a bee.
Shaddy1997, It's a great break away! Sadness and despair are horrible.
20077 95 💗🌟
Regina Philangie,
truuuee me too 😂
Mom mom Cindy
Player #32567393, Jesus is the cure. he certainly helped me become a new creature. broke my dependency of other life threatening addictions
This is fortunate!!
Shaddy1997, that sounds like me 😅
The game is amazing and try it
Player #102154089
Player #32567393, FAITH in the higher power. you will see
lovely game 😁
Davy, Livingston, wow..your a great person..when i read your comment i realized im so blessed even so many difficulty in my life..God bless you and more life