What is located at the center of the Milky Way?
Correct answer: Black Hole

I'm not the center of the universe?!?! D'oh!

My cat is in the center of the universe!

Overton Greene
Yeah that's right everybody.....
No creamy carmel center.....
not even a peanut suprise....

Player Old and Bold
That's where Waldo went!

If space is infinite, then everywhere is the center of the universe.

Lady V
the amount of people that think the earth is the center of the galaxy is shockingly high!

That's where all the missing socks and Tupperware lids go

some people I know will be upset

Player #9583512
Player #2233632, answer - probably never, our solar system seems to be in a pretty stable orbit. Black holes don't "suck in" the whole universe, they can be orbited like any other massive body. The only difference is that passing the event horizon means you can't escape its pull, but before that you're fine.

Player #2233632
Thought that the Sun was the center of our galaxy. But knew that the answer was a black hole. Question - How long will it take this black hole to consume Sun n all planets in our solar system?

black hole is situated in the centre of milky way galaxy

Taiwan , you don't know

Taiwan , NOooo.

I just guessed the right answer 😀

Player #120374466
Player #2233632, There's difference between a solar system and a galaxy. There are millions of solar systems within a galaxy. There are billions of galaxies!

Player #120374466
Player #2233632, The sun IS in the center of our solar system of 8 planets. Which includes our beautiful earth.

Player #120374466
Lady V, Scientists have recently learned that our planet is positioned in the best spot of the galaxy to sustain life.

Player #120374466
Overton Greene, mmm! Love those Milky-way bars!

kevadams1964, It's not infinite. All the evidence points to it expanding from the initial Big Bang, a terribly named but most likely mechanism of the beginning of the universe and time.

Oh, and also Galileo was sentenced to life in prison and due to his advanced age and poor health, it became house arrest then died some years later

Why some people think the Earth is the center of the Universe :
The Earth was the center of the Universe according to Claudius Ptolemy, whose view of the cosmos persisted for 1400 years until it was overturned — with controversy — by findings from Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton.
In 1610, Galileo challenged the widely-accepted belief that the universe revolved around the earth, resulting in dramatic consequences from the Roman Catholic church.
Also, they discovered the Sun is the center of The Universe but many years later, the solar system that we are in is not in the center of the Universe
So it was overturned again and now it's the Sagittarius A*
Also, the * in A* means A Plus

kevadams1964, space is not infinite, it is expanding, and everything that expands must contract.

bigdaddylove92, wow that’s interesting, thank you for sharing

Byrde Alpha Bitch
waheb sahri, No, that's everyone is right above the center of the earth. lol

Player #47464470
There is a theory white hole read it up

Always knew there was a Black Hole! 🤣

5150Puffin, peanuts!

Kay Kay
I am getting better and better 😁

Phil 'sum guy'
if black hole absorbs all, how do stars get formed around it ?

mukhayarah Beauty
I like galaxy 🌌

the amount of people answering sun is kinda concerning

Player #41688053
yes but the earth is flat and Epstein did not kill himself eh!

Kapiti Kings, SOLAR

Can't wait to tell the ex its not her lol

Cherry Carter
Great lay person explanation, I learned something new today, thanks

KuizGiga, Your cat is supermassive blackhole? ...considering rehoming? Have you ever considered the relaxing qualities of fish?

I thought it was muse

kevadams1964, it specifically asked what's at the center of the Milky Way, not space in its entirety.

Player #40138413
kevadams1964, the question is the center of the Milky Way, which is a galaxy with definite borders