What is the average life span of a house cat?
Correct answer: 15 years

There was a line in the movie The Deep Blue that goes somewhat, ' In the past seven years my husband has never purred when I stroked him and my cat has never gone out to a strip club with his friends and come home drunk." l love cats the best.

i think maybe indoor cats now live longer than 15. i know many who are pushing or over 20. mine is 17 and still going strong

sorry guys!!! all the cats i have owned lived to atleast 20. one, Misty was 24 when she passed. so.... pffft to that ?!!!!

Montana Lady
My vet wouldn't believe mine was 22, until I showed him her kitten records.

Player #285066
I had a cat that lived until 19. I thought that was pretty good. Also have a cat now who has been outside until 1 year ago. the vet figures he is around 14. He has been transformed into an indoor cat.

Jack's Mum
Our darling girl Wiggles left us in 2015 at the ripe old age of 21. She was everything 😞🐱

docbarb, mine is 19-plus and an awesome cat! Name is Socrates 😊

Player. Jellybean
I had a cat lived 21 years. Part of me died with her

Player #3547282
I had 2 cats, Tom & Jerry. They were indoor/outdoor cats and lived to age 21. Loved them

Hope my fur baby lives that long

docbarb, Miss Kitty was beautiful, black with white bib and socks. She was at least 17 when she called it a day. We adopted her full grown so not sure about her age. We really miss her.

I have been lucky to have 2 of my cats live to 20 and 22. My current girl is 8 years old and she plays like a kitten. I should perhaps add that I used to live in a very remote area of the Scottish highlands and had 12 cats at the same time.

docbarb, average lifespan

my familiar was my cat 🐱 I had to have her out to sleep last year 😢😢😢. She was 20 . Older than my kids and always my baby 💖💖💖

My cat is 19, was born in 2005. I don't know what I'll do if something happens to her, she's my whole life. I worry about it a lot though !! ☹️☹️☹️☹️😣😣

Jenn Natalia
unless... you live near Chinese cuisine restaurant

The average lifespan of cats is most powerfully affected by where they spend time. Indoor cats live an average of 13-15 years. Cats who go outdoors live an average of 2-4 years. Cars, disease, dogs, other cats, and humans all threaten outdoor cats.

Does no one read for context? The question is about AVERAGE lifespan. I had a 20-year-old cat, too. But many cats die as kittens and young cats, and this brings down the average.

I miss my gorgeous loving cat Charley, she was a small ginger tabby, with white paws, white rings on her tail with a white tip and a white bandana and belly. She gave the best cuddles and the loudest purr and she used to put her forehead against ours for minutes at a time. She looked like a kitten until she died at the age of 18, over 6 years ago and I still miss her so much.

longest living cat I have had was 14. You are all lucky to have had older ones. Youngest was 11 and sorely missed.

Chezikeets, that's hilarious 🤣 great sense of humor.

lm a professional pet sitter and have been for the last 15 years since I retired from my Hospice job, I am currently taking care of a house if seven cats one of them is 20 years old and about to be 21. so there you are, proof!

Organic Dude
In our family have been at least 30 cats, currently 9 are living. They died at ages 2 to 21, with the average age at death around 15.
Causes of death: cancer/leukemia, heart failure, kidney failure, 2 were hit by cars, 2 killed by a coyote, hyperthyroidism. 2 younger cats had bladder failure/obstruction but survived due to $5000.00 or more of expert veterinary care. We sure love our cats 🐱 🐈 🐈⬛ ❤️❤️❤️

Republic of China
DramaticKraken32663, This question is talking about the average lifespan of a house cat and does not include every single cat's lifespan.

cats r the best pets ♥

hmm...i would say nearer the 20 for loved, unadventurous housecats tbh. i believe my old dude has be at least 17 now although he is a rescue so will never know....but hey i am not an expert

I had 2 cats who lived to 23, they were outdoor cats too.

Player #30416937
docbarb, 15 is the average!

DramaticKraken32663, I agree-I had one for 22 years that was a stray that it was an indoor cat after I took it in.

Chezikeets, I do too

Shelby Johnson
All of my cats from childhood to now have all lived between 15 to 21 years old. If well taken care of, I'm sure cats could live closer to 25.

Ray Mission
Yamini, Had friends that Had a cat (love cats) that I was allergic to but gradually the symptomes

Yamini, Did he ever consider shots for the allergies?

I read all these stories of the life of a feline.
I never had a cat in my youth. Been around many friends cats.
My husband and I decided on adopting a Cat in 2004 when we had our first house. He was allergic and we had to decide what to do next.
Our Cat chose Us at first time of meeting, especially reaching the paw out to my Husband, literally!
How could we surrender a feline who loves and bonded so fittingly? The allergies subside as the Years passed. He was worth Every Day in our lives. He was our Family. Cancer came fast and without warning.
We had a good almost 16 years with "Cairo". He

My cat is 20 years old and she was a fighter in her youth. Now she just suns herself on my couch!

DramaticKraken32663, it did say average.

our cat was 20 when he died

My Ruby was 19, and Boo 17, when they passed on. my current boys will be 9 this year, and I am looking forward to many, many more years with them. 💜🐈

We had 2 indoor cats (Siamese) that lived for 18 & 19 yrs. The other cats we had lived outdoors but were locked up in their cathouse overnight. One lived for 19 yrs, the others varied from 6 to 13 yrs. So yes, on average, I chose (correctly) 15 yrs 😊

Player #36712443
I have had lots and lots of cats all indoor cats and I find that the average length of life to be 14 years