Which company's logo features a bird and two baby birds sitting on a nest?
Correct answer: Nestlé

I'm boycotting Nestlè. They steal water from communities then sell it. I do miss Crunch bars...

RushMama2112, I too am boycotting nestle in my country they have bought many fresh water wells for a fraction of the price they are worth and then proceeded to pump them dry to get out every last bit of water and then in some cases fluoridated the water and are selling it back to people at an obscene mark up. How does that song go ? “If I had a rocket launcher”

Unfortunately Nestle has a bad name because of (among other things) pushing infant formula instead of breastfeeding onto babies in poor and uneducated countries, leading to illness and death of infants. They are a corporation without any morals

Nest in German is the same as in English. The nest is Das Nest.

Player #96890951
Jennyzim, Are you ( or anyone else able to state Which companies DO have Morals ? )

Player #6616037, it's pronounced ness lay

Very Interestingly and Satisfying!!

All that they produce is toxic and unhealthy.

Angel 😇
it's easy

sa imir

Player #6616037, nes le

Player #6616037
I pronounced *Nes le”, other called it “Nesel”...which one is right?

there a nestle here in phillipines u know

This was such an easy question and we all use these products.

i usually use Nestlé

this game app is good

Jan André
My favorite question!!!

one of my favorites 💖 nestle. mmmmm.

Paris Ashley M. Socito
ali ali, no it is not

Paris Ashley M. Socito
I drink nestle

The Geordie Platypus, but how come they aren't same size...?does the other eat too much👀

ali ali, No! It was so easy for me.

BTS 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
i like nestlé munch and Maggie

The original logo for many years had a worm in the mother's mouth. It was removed because people may be offended by the worm being hurt. I think that was what happened.