What type of animal is shown in this picture?
Correct answer: Honey badger

Player #96919
Honey badgers are fearless when it comes to facing up to snakes, they will take on anything from the deadly king cobra to the smallest of snakes and they seem to be immune to their deadly poison. Respect to the Honey badger.!

Honey badger don't care!

Player #18919588
They a very clever creatures too.

If I owned a professional team of any kind I would name them the Honey Badgers. Scrappiest animal on the planet.

Love learning about animals from different countries!

I think honey badgers are literally the deadliest animal, they have NO FEAR they would literally face a rattlesnake and come out on top because they have no concept of danger

Pink Cat
🍯 honey badgers love 🐝 honey and will reck there nests
how sad.😭

My favourite species of badger is European Badger since the badger is one of my favourite forest animals so I like to see European Badgers in Scotland, UK 🇬🇧.

I was going to say that!

Player #135596334
A fascinating animal. Not to be taken lightly.

RushMama2112, TOO FUNNY!!!

Formidable creatures they can defeat pretty much anything

Player #96919, probably bc of their thick skin

from my college. She was with me from nursery school until I entered Harvard School of Medicine. When my Percy died, I cried for three days. God, but I still think of her

I quickly recognized all four of the cat varieties from volunteering in the local animal shelter and, of course, from regularly visiting the second largest and number one ranked zoo across the street